Air Liquide China employees volunteered as first responders for 2016 Shanghai International Marathon
- Volunteering
- China

At 5 a.m. of October 30, 16 employees from Air Liquide China joined over 200 other volunteers to gather near Shanghai Stadium and start their day as"first responders"for 2016 Shanghai International Marathon. Outfitted with first-aid equipment and supply, the volunteers were sent to different designated locations along the course to provide an eight-hour-long emergency support for the event. Another employee ran the full marathon – 42.195 kilometers – alongside the runners to provide more timely emergency support.
Launched in 1996, the Shanghai International Marathon takes place annually in Shanghai, China during late Fall. This year, about 38,000 runners participated in the popular event. Given the long race and large field of runners, the risk of serious medical incidents such as sudden cardiac arrests is high. In such cases, immediate first aid delivered by a certified"first responder"before the ambulance arrives can be vital and may save a runner's life.
Yan Jinping, Chief Operating Officer for Air Liquide China, said: "Air Liquide China is proud of its employees who volunteered as first responders for this international event. As a responsible corporate citizen, Air Liquide China has always encouraged our employees to actively participate in corporate social responsibility projects and to contribute to the well-being of the local communities."
This September, Air Liquide China organized an external training for 20 volunteers to help them qualify as first responders. The trained Air Liquide employees then volunteered as first responders for seven different sports events including the marathon, together providing more than 211 hours of volunteer service.
Responsibility is at the core of Air Liquide culture. The company is devoted to developing local economies, protecting life and the environment, and contributing to communities. Under its Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) umbrella program called"Air Liquide Care", in addition to"Marathon First Responder Program", Air Liquide China promotes other initiatives including annual tree-planting event "Green Action"and the recycled computer donation program"Air Liquide Computer Classroom".