“Air Liquide Care” for Hope Primary School students in Datong
- China

On September 10, the occasion of 2014 Teachers' Day, Air Liquide China donated 35 recycled computers, books and other stationery to Dabaideng Hope Primary School in Datong, Shanxi Province, where its new Datong Plant (1 ASU with 2000tpd) was commissioned in late 2013 to supply industrial gases for the Coal to Methanol project of Datong Guangfa Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
Dabaideng Hope Primary School is the fifth school that Air Liquide China has supported to establish "Air Liquide Computer Classroom" , to which the company donated its internal computers that were environmentally renewed via its partner Netspring. Initiated in 2012, this program has been rolled out respectively at two schools in Hefei, one in Maoming and one in Yichun. It intends to help students acquire computer knowledge and skills to fit into this digital era and broaden their vision. In addition, local volunteers from Air Liquide China will visit the students regularly to coach them on safety, science, environmental protection and other subjects.
Marcelo Fioranelli, President & CEO of Air Liquide China, emphasized: "We feel honored to be able to contribute to create a better learning environment for children in rural areas and to their brighter future. Air Liquide China will continue to leverage the company's resources and boost the employees’ motivation to act responsibly, while pursuing profitable and sustainable growth over the long term in China.”
Responsibility is one of the core values of Air Liquide. The company is devoted to developing local economies, protecting life and the environment, and contributing to communities. Under its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) umbrella program named "Air Liquide Care" , it promotes a series of initiatives, including "Air Liquide Computer Classroom" , "Green Action" , etc. in China.